Accomplished an easy goal, now to AnDeux Faure. |
I came back after a brief time away since I wanted to go on vacation and was a little tired of the Rainforest and Estuary. They're lovely places but when you only go there they can get a little tedious and I just wanted a break from it all.
On the plus side my trip enabled me to get to the next stage of my radius healing development so now I'm on my long trek of learning with AnDeux Faure. The speed of my healing and spirit regeneration have been low for a long time and I have to focus on them. At one point I thought I could get all of the faustus training I needed through Sprite, but I need more than her teachings provide. It'll take a long time to go from the 300 faustus I have to the 400 faustus that's my goal since I'm not training with Faustus directly. I could and it would be a lot faster but then my Respia:Faustus ratio would be 2:1 and I'd probably would train with Respia after anyway. It will take a lot longer to get to my goal with AnDeux Faure but when I'm done I'll have 400 Faustus and 1,000 Respia which I think will make me a much better healer overall.
After I got back from the Estuary I decided to take the 6th-circle healer's test thinking that it was going to be another failure. After all I was told that most who passed were stronger than me, but I put on my Iron Breastplate and started the test. I had a feeling something was different when I only had a bear and a feral hitting me for the longest time instead of the three or four. I kept healing and healing and then she stood up. I passed!
How the heck did this happen? |
I must not be dreaming. |
There's not even a comfy couch to sit on. |
Since I didn't expect to pass I don't have a visionstone or even pictures of the actual test, but I can tell you that I was healing her from the southeast and didn't move at all. The 400 higgrus combined with the full iron armor set and being in the right position were necessary for me to pass.
I tried the 7th-circle healer test and while I healed her more than halfway, much better than expected, I'll need more faustus and respia training in order to pass that test.
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