Today I finally reset Himitsu after making some visionstones of the Mystic Garden, Academy, Pub, and Butterfly Hut. Then it was a quick visit to the Fairgrounds to reset and I came out a new woman. I've decided to keep my race undisclosed for now as I'm not sure which one I'm going to choose. I definitely don't want to be a Halfling again and there are way too many Fen'neko around. I'm leaning towards the human because they have the most variety in clothing and I like being able to wear a dress or pants as the mood strikes.
You might be wondering what led me to reset when I spent so many months being indecisive about doing so. It was a thread on the Sentinel about why the mystics suck. In the thread they talked about some history that I had forgotten and which made me realize that I didn't want to be a Full Mystic anymore. Specifically it was when Nyssa was promoted to Full Mystic and then visited Untrainus to get some more illusion breaking ability. She thought she had prepared by checking to see how many times she could untrain before losing her Full Mystic status. Unfortunately after only doing it once she was demoted to Journeyman Mystic.
What I didn't know at the time was that Nyssa was expressing some displeasure with how things were being done in the Mystic Council which made some of the members worried. They thought she might try to make her own council and when she was demoted they were all relieved and refused to promote her again. Eventually she left Puddleby entirely and hasn't been seen since. Way after the fact Helpful GM said that she should have been reinstated but it was too late for Nyssa.
What does this have to do with me? Well, I have a lot of dissatisfaction with how the Mystic Council is run and disagree with the amount of information they keep from each other. I think promoting Apprentice and Journeyman Mystics should be more uniform and not based on whims and there should be better communication. However, a person with these beliefs is not likely to be promoted to Full Mystic and if they do that person is not likely to be listened to and will probably be ostracized.
In other words, there's absolutely no reason for me to stay as a mystic because any desire to get promoted and take my place on the council has completely evaporated. Being a Full Mystic isn't something that interests me and playing politics is not something I'm good at.
Anyway, I reset and got the ten ranks with Skea needed to become a Fighter. I thought it was 5 ranks in anything but either my memory is wrong or the requirement got increased. The rat towers are as boring as I remember them and if it wasn't for Stora being around it would be a lot more tedious and time-consuming. I was going to go do some of the mystic quests for some extra experience but I quickly put that thought aside. Even if they do give experience why would I want to go through that kind of agony again? I don't need the doodads you get before choosing another path. I'd just end up throwing them away.
The dagger is a big improvement over the club and I should miss a lot less often when I come out of the library tomorrow. My first goal is to get to 50 skea and then switch over to Evus for the near future.
Firstly I want to get the skea out of the way as soon as possible because it's very low slaughter. When I'm able to kill stuff with fur I want to be able to get the coins. Then I want to update
Azriel's Trainers Notes with what Evus trains since that hasn't been updated in a long time by training with Evus until I can get to 2nd circle before training with Swengus. I have a more detailed guide to becoming a Ranger which I'll post a bit later.
To summarize for the moment, I plan on training with core fighter trainers for a very long time even after becoming a Ranger. It will either be Evus + Swengus, Bangus + Swengus, or Farly + Swengus until 5th circle. I'm not sure how many studies I'll do in preparation to pass the fighter tests but as I don't place a high priority on them I don't think I'll do very many. I don't intend to waste ranks on studying the greymyr family just to pass the test but the noid family might be worth it generally so I probably will study them. I won't get movements until late to avoid a waste of duvin and won't get morphs until later. Of course all of this is up in the air but I'm okay with acting like a regular fighter for a long time.